Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Beckham & Addy J.

Funny Story for you all!

Monday night a bunch of us girlies get together and have a scrapbook night, this week we had some of the little ones with us. We put Addy on the floor in the living room at my mom's house. She isn't crawling yet so she just hangs out with toys. B of coarse is all over the place. He went over to Addy and tried to play ball with her. (If you haven't seen him play ball you so have to! It is so cute, he throws really well for his age, and just loves to play catch with everybody). Well, he tried this with Addy, and she wouldn't take the ball. So he crawled around the couch, into the hall, pushed open the closet door, found a toy, crawled back to Addy and tried to give it to her. She still too young to grab something out of his hand, but he kept trying to give it to her, which ended up looking like he was hitting her. Each time he got closer and closer, and soon he was hitting her in the head with the toy (luckily it was a soft toy). His face was the best, he just had this big huge smile, like look Addy I got you a toy. And at the same time Addy was crying because she was getting hit in the head. We were laughing so hard! It was just so cute, I wish we would have had a video camera. Jenn and I just looked at each other and said this was only the beginning of, "Mom, Beckham pushed me," "Mom, Addy won't give me my ball back." Too funny!!


Brandon And Kimberlee said...

babies/kids are so fun to watch! they are so innocent! too funny!

Bayles Family said...

I loved it! Addy was getting so mad. It's so fun to have all our kids so close in age, except Halle. Maybe she'll be the babysitter one day :)

Mike and Dee said...

How cute! It sounds like Beckham is going to be your little athlete already!