Friday, February 27, 2009

Family Pictures

We had some family pictures taken the other day. Here are a few of them (sorry L and L, I copied them from your page :) They turned out cute. Funny though, because I didn't listen to my mom very well. All I remembered was ice skating and where scarfs. I had no idea we were going to Heber to skate outside. It was like 20 degrees colder up there. Me, and my boys were all in short sleeves. We froze!! It was still fun.

I have raved about them before, but ELLE Photography is the best. To see more of their photos check out their web site. Also, if you are into American Idol, they took pictures of Megan Corkery's wedding.


Nene said...

Stinkin' CUUUUTE!!!!

LTC said...

Isn't she divorced now? ;)
Super cute pics though...

Webster's said...

Love them! Way fun with the scarves.

The Larsen Family said...

CUTE!! CUTE!! What a cute idea! Love them!!

Lindsay said...

Thanks Kimi! I think they turned out way cute too!

Kara said...

I LOVE those!!! Such a cute idea! And you guys are the perfect family to have done such a cute idea :)