Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So this weeks flashback is going to be on

I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. I always thought it would be fun and that I would be good at it, but when it comes down to it, you just never know. I always heard these horror stories about the first year of teaching being just aweful, and I was told many times that for the first eight months I would want to quit, and by the last month I would want to teach again. Everyone was so wrong!! I absolutely LOVE teaching! (and I have to say I think I am pretty good at it - of course I am always getting better, and I still have lots to learn). My first year of teaching was one of the best years ever! My second year was a little harder (mostly cause I was pregnant), but I still loved it. I just love the children (and families) I get to meet and become friends with. I love my summer with Beckham, but I am getting excited to start a new year and meet a new classroom full of little students who love to learn! I do have to say that I am at the best school possible, and I am so lucky for the community at this school, they let me be a part of my students lives long after school is over. Here are some of my students I have played with this summer.

Tayven babysat Phoebe (the class pet turtle) for me for a few weeks after school got out so I could go to Snowbird and write my comps. This is Tayven and Beckham when I went to pick her up. I also went to lunch at the park with his family, and we are planning another lunch date coming up in the next week or so.

Later that week I met Bryson and his family to go swimming. There was a fun little group of us who all hung out at the pool to play. The cute picture of Beckham in the goggles was all thanks to Bryson! The goggles were his and it was his brilliant idea to put them on Beckham. I am looking forward to swimming again with the Zobell family!

At the end of the year I got a gift certificate to get a pedicure from Talia. I decided to call her up and invite her to go with me. This is the two of us getting all beautified! It was a lot of fun to hang out and talk with her, I hope we can do it again!

I also get to see Kelsie! She is a student from my first year teaching. I played with her and her family a lot last summer, as well as this summer. Her mom, Sherry, and I became great friends. I don't know what I would do without this awesome family! This is a picture of Kelsie and her little brother holding Beckham just after he was born. Hopefully Braeden will be in my class this next year! We are also going camping at the end of the summer together as well and I can't wait!

Stay at home moms have it the best, they get to be with their kids all the time. I guess if I have to leave my cute one home with his dad to go to work there is no other place I would rather be!

I know some of my students read my blog, if you want to play give me a call, I would love it!


Jaclyn, Brandon, Ava & Emma said...

I agree 100% I LOVE teaching. The kids are the best to watch grow as they learn. I am glad we get to have such amazing jobs and love it at the same time. We should talk and share some fun teaching ideas.
email me or something

Aloi Family said...

Thankyou for being such a wonderful teacher ! Tayven thinks the world of you, and so do we (hee-hee) we are in need of some more turtle time!

utahtripletfamily said...

Hey, man! Sounds like you're having a good time! Thanks for taking the time to check in with us - it's nice of you to take an interest in our crazy lives. Keep in touch!
PS I found Jake Blackham's blog. ick.

Bayles Family said...

I read this Friday but I was having too crazy of a day to comment :) But I just think you are fabulous and those kids are so lucky to have you!!!

Halley said...

Kimi! I am so glad you have a blog too!! YAY!!! It is absolutely darling too. :) I love all of the pics of your sweet family and it was so fun to see pics of Jen and her little one also! Beckham and Addy are VERY cute! Thanks for being so sweet and telling me about Jen. I am so happy that her dream of having a baby finally came true. I bet you two are such sweet moms. I will keep checking in!