Saturday, November 22, 2008


We got tickets to see Twilight at the midnight showing!! We had such a fun girls night out. It was CRAZY at the theater. I thought the movie was done pretty well (of course not as good as the book, but if you really expected that then you aren't too smart). I am so not an EDWARD fan. (Love him in the book) If you asked me, I would totally be going for EMMIT!!! He was definitely cuter, and had a way better personality!

All in all it was a fun night. Thanks Jenn for the hook-ups on getting us tickets!

Lyndsay, Jenn, Kimi and our tickets

Maryann, Kimi, Jenn, Lyndsay, Shannon, Kelly


Kara said...

At first I didn't like Edward but he grew on me. I LOVED Emmit as well! He was so cute :) The actor played his character well.

Mike and Dee said...

We went last night and I feel the same as you! The book is much better, but I think they did a great job. I thought Bella was perfect, but Edward had to grow on me!

Team Fraser said...

Ok so we need to go see the movie again after i finish the book!